A financial institution will have, or already has, a relationship with you. You may go to your neighborhood bank, a major national financial conglomerate, or a credit union.
Many of the same services will be accessible at all of the above; however, credit unions have a few unique features that you may find appealing. You can open a bank or savings account, receive a credit card, a vehicle loan, or a mortgage at any financial institution.
A credit union is a non-profit financial institution. While banks are accountable to stockholders and must make a healthy profit, credit unions are accountable to shareholders – its members. When you join a credit union, you automatically become a shareholder. The services available are intended to supplement your membership. Any additional funds earned by a credit union are reinvested in member benefits. These advantages can be seen in a variety of ways.
In Gallop polls commissioned by American Banker Magazine, credit unions routinely outperformed banks in terms of consumer satisfaction. Check out the services we provide at Energy Credit Union. Unlike profit-driven banks and financial businesses, we deliver excess revenues to members in the form of courteous service, cheap loan interest rates, high-yield savings and investment accounts, and cheap or even FREE convenience services.